So if you’ve taken the time to read a the home page then you’ll roughly know what I am trying to achieve.
So in the post I’ll be talking about the 7th generation consoles that I have, just a general overview, nothing heavy yet!
Xbox 360 – My favourite console of the HD generation, lots of variant consoles, a vast choice of games, good controllers and the killer app – Xbox live. Bung a disc in and play – no hassle!
Sony PS3 – A tough choice at launch, PS3 had Gran Turismo which made me want one but could never quite justify having two consoles, smooth 1080p graphics, some great exclusive games, a great gaming choice.
Nintendo Wii U – As always I tend to dismiss Nintendo’s offerings as far as Consoles go (exception – handhelds), a behaviour that I seem to regret when I finally get the system.. this holds true for the Wii U. I took me by surprise just how good some of the Nintendo games are on the Wii U, despite some times the controller with a screen being weirdly implemented on some games generally the Wii U offers a good gaming experience.
So there’s a brief overview for the 7th Gen consoles that I have in my collection, in the future I would like to go into more depth with each of those consoles. Keep up to date by subscribing to my mailing list for updates as I will be adding more content regularly
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